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The Ultimate Guide To Ordering A Coffee In Spain

Coffee is not just coffee, and in Spain it can get even trickier.

If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee. – Abraham Lincoln

For most people, the first time ordering coffee at a Starbucks is difficult, but wait until you read this about the coffee culture in Spain.

The ‘Solo’ or ‘Espresso’

A short and intense Italian-style espresso coffee.

The popular 'solo' coffee. Photo credits.
The popular ‘solo’ coffee. Photo credits.

The ‘Café Doble’

Like a café solo but double the coffee power.

The ‘Café Con Leche’

Regular coffee with milk.

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The ‘Cortado’

An espresso shot with milk, in a small glass.

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The ‘Café Carajillo’

A shot of alcohol with a shot of coffee.

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The ‘Cappuccino’

The espresso with hot milk, and steamed-milk foam.

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The ‘Café Sombra’ or ‘Café Manchado’

A lot of milk with a dash of coffee.

The ‘Café Con Hielo’

An espresso with a glass of ice. Add the coffee and you have your café con hielo.

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Café Perfumat (Barcelona)

This is a coffee with Anis, found in Barcelona.

The ‘Americano’

Big cup, lots of coffee.

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The ‘Café Bombon’

The café Bombon comes with a shot of condensed milk.

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The ‘Descafeinado’ (de ‘maquina’ o ‘sobre’)

Decaf coffee, either via the machine or from sachets.

The ‘Café Suizo’

Coffee topped with whipped cream.

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To order any of the above in Spanish, simply say “¿Me pone… un [insert desired coffee] por favor?”
