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The Top 10 Tips On Finding A Job In Spain

Tip #1: Market your unique selling points! Language skills? Negotiations skills? Traveled the world?

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Tip #2: Go network, network, network! Meet people, go to networking events, drop in to places and drop your CV! Find a headhunter!

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Tip #3: Make potential employers know you are not a tourist but serious about life in Spain!

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Tip #4: Consider a temporary job! Or even and internship or trainee program! Stay flexible!

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Tip #5: Learn Spanish! Perfect your Spanish! Polish up your Spanish! Whatever it is, make it shine!

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Tip #6: Get all your paperwork and administrative elements cleared upfront (visas, NIEs, residencia, padron, social security number, etc.)!

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Tip #7: Always have a back up plan! Start your own business! Teach English! Babysit or help out here and there!

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Tip #8: If you can relocate, go to the big cities! Barcelona! Madrid! Valencia!

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Tip #9: Check out the major newspapers and job portals! The SUR in English on the Costa del Sol! La Vanguardia in Barcelona! Infojobs! Experteer! AbroadWise!

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Tip #10: Top up your CV like a pro! Make accomplishments stand out! Reduce unnecessary clutter! Adapt your CV to Spanish norms and customs! Cut it down and make it create an impact (most recruiters will give it 10 seconds before going on to the next one)! You need to stand out to succeed!

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